venerdì 29 novembre 2024

29th November

Nursery 4 and Reception 
Circle time and singing as a little choir 
Ok now for some healthy fresh air !!

Out on or nature walk 2 x2
Today no fish!
But we did see two beautiful dogs
Teacher Tracey give us all these letter and we had to make our names

Reception working hard with the alphabet 

Oh look!
We also saw 6 big hot air balloons
Teacher Arianna got us started on our Christmas project 

Nursery 3 loving there Phychomotricy 


giovedì 28 novembre 2024

28th November

In the afternoon we watched a short story 
Then we drew a picture of Jack and the Beanstalk

It was a lovely story 

Let's have some quiet time
Getting ready for Christmas 
Circle time nursery 3 with Miss Tracey today 

She said that she was so proud of us and our pronunciation!!!!

A wonderful new game naming the types of clothes 
Each time Miss Tracey took away an item and we had to guess what was missing.


Giochi Motori - "Il pupazzo di neve"

Oggi in palestra, utilizzando vari attrezzi, i nostri bambini si sono divertiti a costruire un bellissimo pupazzo di neve. Che fatica trasportare un pezzo alla volta saltando sul sentiero.

mercoledì 27 novembre 2024

November 27


Today we read the book "The Special Christmas Tree" and the kids talked about how they're decorating their houses and getting ready for Christmas 🎄
We also can't wait to meet our elf who's coming this Monday! Will he be naughty or nice? 🤔

We also did out first concert practice in the gym! Kids were really really good and the teachers extremely happy 🎵

Then we played dance and freeze...if you move, oops! You're eliminated!

28th February

Well what can we say???? Thankyou for all the hard work that was put into the costumes today Lots of music We had a carnival parade in the b...