lunedì 16 settembre 2024

September 16

Nursery 4 and Reception: Weekend news

Snack time

N3: Let's paint an autumn leaf with our fingers!

N4 and Rec: we're on a bus...beep beep!


venerdì 13 settembre 2024

September 13

Autumn is coming and trees are changing!

Today we had fun looking for leaves of different colours in our garden: red, yellow, orange, brown and green...we found them all!

We brought our leaves to class! If we put them under a piece of paper and use a crayon, they appear!


mercoledì 11 settembre 2024

Our first day of school!

We read the book "Zeb e la scorta di baci"

We decorated our boxes and made the "baciocaramelle"

Nursery 4 and Reception completed a fantastic poster. Now we're ready to bloom...together!

Our first lunch together, yum!


September 16

Nursery 4 and Reception: Weekend news Snack time N3: Let's paint an autumn leaf with our fingers! N4 and Rec: we're on a bus...beep ...